Hello, I'm Jaini!
I'm a digital product designer from London brimming with ideas and a love for the wonderful world of UX, UI and research.
I have an educational background in computer science and have experience working in agencies, start-ups and big in-house brands.
I'm currently a digital product designer at The LEGO Group and specifically look after discoverability on LEGO.com which involves Search, Navigation and Product Listing Pages. I conduct and create end-to-end experiences for our wide range of users that excite, delight and solve pain points.
I am data-led and like to push the boundaries of creative experiences through iteration, collaboration, research and mostly failing fast! I also advocate for digital product design and like to raise awareness of this overlooked but crucial field.
Aside from digital product design, I enjoy all things food, tech and like to think of myself as a cocktail and BBQ connoisseur (although some say my talents lie in tasting rather than making).
If you would like to work together please do not hesitate to get in touch!